Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Thinking Meme

I was tagged by my friend Allie from Life at the Whittinghams. With this meme that will make me reflect....

1. If you had to choose one vice in exclusion of all others, what would it be?

This is kind of hard one. I have three "vices" that I am quite fond of. Chocolate, Coke and Red Wine. I think I could give any of them up at any point if I wanted to, but I do enjoy them all. I guess I would have the hardest time giving up chocolate.

2. If you could change one specific thing about the world, what would it be?

Ahh such a deep question....It's hard to pinpoint one thing that would bring peace in the world. I thought Allie's answer about accepting cultural diversity was the best.

3. Name the cartoon character you identify with the most.

I can't say I was ever a big cartoon watcher so I'm going to go with that singing frog, becuase I also love to sing.

4. If you could live one day of your life over again, which one would it be?

Hard to choose... my wedding was such a great day. I spent it with people I loved and got to have so much fun. It went by so fast that I was amazed when it was over. It would be fun to live it over again. Plus I still fit in my wedding dress. The other day I would love to live over again would be a sunny day spent in Mexico. It was a time before Lucas and I don't think I appricated it enough. I didn't appricate the food and the time with Darryl, the time reading and doing nothing.

5. If you could go back in history and spend a day with one person, who would it be?

Again hard to choose... I don't remember every meeting my biological father and he has died a long time ago. It would be interesting to spend a day with him. Do I look like him? Are we similar? That being said I heard he was not the nicest man, so would I be wasting my day on him. It would also be interesting to spend a day with Leonardo DaVinci. Spend the day in Europe in a time that is totally different then how we live now.

6. What is one thing that you lost, sold or threw away that you wish you had back?

I had this pair of jeans when I was a teenager that had big patches on them that were so comfortable. I loved those jeans!

7. What is your one most important contribution to this world?

Another questions where I am going to give two answers. I hope my most important contribution to the world is my children. I hope that my children are giving and care about others. I hope they help to change the world in both small and large ways. I also feel that I have contrubiting to the world by training some really great x-ray technologists. It's nice to see your hard work pay off and your students go out into the world and be so great with patients!

8. What is your one hidden talent that nearly no one knows about?

I can drive for long periods of time.

9. What is your most cherished possession?

Another question where I am going to give two answers: First off is anything that has recorded the fortuante live I have lived. Pictures, scrapbooks and this blog. It's amazing to think that one day I will have great great grandchildren who will be able to see what my life was. Second would be my wedding ring. I have the most beautiful ring. I am so proud to be happily married.

10. What one person influenced your life the most when growing up?

I know this is the obvious answer, but I'm going to give the obvious. My parents. I see so much of who I am is similar to who they are. They taught me how to love and how to relax. That experiences are more important then material things or a clean house. That who you are is not based on what you have but who you spend time with. They taught me to care about others and the enviroment.

11. What word describes you better than any other?

I don't know, so I ask those of you who know me, what word describes me best??

I am tagging Lesley, Kristine and Darryl

Till Tommorrow



Lesley said...

That was a great meme!

Anonymous said...

I love chocolate too yum yum
Red wine gives me an instant head ache
Hope Darryl takes the challenge be intereting to read his too

Allie said...

You still fit into your wedding dress? Oh how envious I am of you!!! :)