Today, the 17th, you turn 17 months old. The next time I'll be able to make some kind correlation like that will be on the 17th when you turn 17 years old. I wonder what you'll be like when you are 17, I wonder what I'll be like when you are 17. I'll be in my forties..... weird. Anyway, happy 17th month birthday, today the 17th.
This month has been quite incredible. You have learned to do so so much. I just can't believe it. You say so many words now I don't think I could list them all (mostly because I can't remember them all) Alot of your words are in a language that only your daddy and I can understand, but I say they still count. You are definitely in a stage where you are starting to repeat everything I say. Yesterday you said ight-in. Which is your way of saying Lightning McQueen. One thing that makes me so proud is how you are already using your manners. Dank-du. Which is your way of saying thank you. You are not 100% sure what context to use it in. You mostly say it when you give me something, I'm sure because that's when I say when you give me something, so next month we are going to have to work on saying it when I give you something.
Physically you are getting much better at climbing the stairs. Faster with climbing up and getting better at going down. You still feel more comfortable turning around and going backwards on your hands and knees down the stairs, but sometimes we'll hold hands and you'll hold the wall and we'll go down the stairs that way. You also LOVE to be outside. Alhtough your word for outside is more like an "sssss" noise, so it took me a while to distinguish. Yesterday we played outside for an hour after your nap and you loved it. You cried when we had to come in to make dinner. We pushed about your tricycle and lawnmower for quite a while. At the beginning of the month you hated wearing mittens, but now you are realizing that your hands will stay warmer if you have them on.
We are back on track after coming back from Florida. We had a really good time with the change of scenery, plus you learned so much from your Grandma and your Auntie Lexie. Your fascination with your Pop continues, but Grandma has so much fun playing with you and Auntie Lexie enjoyed entertaining you in the back seat of the car. It was fun traveling with you. I brought your squeaky shoes with us and everyone loved them. People would hear you walking around and smile at your cuteness. You did so great on the trip. The couple of days we went to the theme parks you would sleep in your stroller, which I as the schedule Nazi was very impressed with.
Your separation anxiety seems to be getting a bit better. You don't panic every time I leave your sight. And you haven't been crying when I leave you at the day home. I'm so happy about this. I don't like to make you cry, although I'm glad you feel so strongly about me. Right now you and Dad are upstairs and he is reading you books. He is making funny seal noises which is making you laugh. I love my family
You have also become quite good at sharing this month. Although if I try to take something from you that you really want the sharing trick doesn't work. You like to pretend to feed your toys, or give them something to drink. And you do this cute little thing with your tongue that makes it sound like they are drinking. You also like to play with us now as well and will bring my a dump truck or a car to push around. You have also got quite into coloring and same thing, you need to make sure Mommy is coloring with you. Sometimes we'll switch crayons. We have quite a few of you car pictures pinned up on the wall. It's funny because they are just scribbles that look nothing like a car but every time you see it up on the wall, you point and say car. You also like the magna doodle you got for Christmas.
Last week it was very cold so I decided to buy us a new movie. It is a kids movie, so it was for you but also kind of for me, becuase I need some new things to watch. While we were in Florida, with all the Disney influence you became quite fond of Nemo, so the movie I chose was Finding Nemo, besides who doesn't love Dorie. I did not realize how scary that movie is. THe mom dies, Nemo get's kidnapped, Marlin get's attacked by a shark and some crazy glowy thing with sharp teeth, Nemo may be killed by a little girl, and he almost get's stuck in a drain, Marlin get's swallowed by a whale. Very scary, through the whole thing I was saying "Oh No", which you have now started to say but it is way cuter, you kind of purse your lips and your voice is much cuter then mine. Now you love to do the sign for fish and say Oh no, when Nemo get's kidnapped. Plus I know it's just a movie, but I was way more emtional watching it now then when I watched it last time pre- Lucas. If a boat ever came and took you from me, I too would swim the whole ocean looking for you.
I love you pumpkin.
He is growing so fast Jenn! You and Darryl have done an amazing job with him. You are such a great Mom!
Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!
Oh, that was such a good newsletter and such cute pictures! I can hardly wait until you guys come home in July! I'll send you an email soon to find out when you were thinking of coming in July so we can try to co-ordinate.
Keep those blog entries coming!
Wow 17 months old nearly a year and 1/2 where does the time go :)
Good on Lucas for using his manners :)
Its probably safter going down the stairs that way Jenn :)
Daniel loves it when his daddy reads him books too Muzz is like Darryl making noises.
Cool sounds like Lucas is getting into imaginary play - the pretending to make his toys make a noise when they are drinking is a sign of this.
Billy loves the fact that Daniel is becoming much more of a playmate now.
I put Daniel into his highchair to draw helps.
Such a good movie I loved Finding Nemo.
Beautiful post and tribute to your son Jenn. You have a very well rounded little boy who has very loving parents to care for him!
Gasp. Is that a Thomas chair? I better not show Makenna...
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