Monday, January 29, 2007


Well after a sick weekend for both Lucas and I it totally reminded me of what it is like in the first bit of pregnancy. Sleepy and constant nausea. Not alot of throwing up, but the feeling like it may happen at any moment. Darryl and I have been talking a lot about when we will have the next baby. But don't worry I promise I'm not pregnant now. With Lucas there was very little planning. I had no idea how long it would take to get pregnant so we just decided start trying one day, although it wasn't that we really decided to start trying moreso then we just decided to stop not trying. 9 (or closer to 10) months later, there was Lucas.

With this next baby I have counted 9 months on my fingers about a thousand times. So if I get pregnant in this month, the new baby will be born in this month. Do I want to be pregnant in the summer again? Do I want to enjoy wine one summer before I have to become the designated driver again for a year and a half? How will it affect my maternity leave affect my job? Will I want to go back when there are two kids? What is the ideal spacing between Lucas and a sibling? Am I really able to handle two when Lucas is this age? When will they both be in school? Does that matter? Can I really plan this? Will it happen as quick? Then counting the months on my fingers again? I feel like a crazy person. I was never so anal with planning Lucas, boom it just happened.

Speaking of my crazy planning. I was just wondering how many people a Chinese Gender Predictor worked for? I would love as many opionins as possible! Was it correct for you? I've also heard to look at the woman age when she concived rather then when the baby was born. Does that make a difference for you?

Let me know. I'd love to see if I can add this to my list of crazy planning =)

Till Tommorrow



Anonymous said...

Chinese-Shminese!! Here's the REAL gender predictor for you: you have a 50% chance it will be a boy and a 50% chance it will be a girl, but it's really Darryl that is responsible for the deciding chromosome.

Auntie Lexy

Jenna said...

my age and the month I conceived = true on both accounts.

my age and the month they were born = one right and one wrong.

Pretty close in any case. Still, your best bet is 50/50. :-)

Anonymous said...

I had recently turned 20 when Mac was born and she was conceived in January. Correct on the chart you referenced.

Hmmm...fact or fiction...who knows?


Lesley said...

I'm finding this a bit creepy because it was accurate for both my boys and for my nephew as well.

I think Lori needs a blog too! She comments everyday and always has positive thoughts and great input.

Jenn said...

Lexy- You are so funny! Chinese-Shminese!

I agree, Lori needs a blog! Lori was it right for you and Darryl?


Darryl said...

Lori needs to blog!
Lori needs to blog!
Everyone now ...
*continuing to chant*

It would be nice if only once a week to know about what's happening in your life and how the whole family is doing in London!

Hint hint, nudge nudge!

Anonymous said...

sori you were both sick over the weekend
I had 3 years between my 1st two
At my age 36 I would take into consideration that factor too I found Daniel's pregnancy hard so much harder than when i was 22
I dont think i will having anymore Muzz would love another one but I have to get registered I didnt go to uni for nothing

Anonymous said...

Lesley...thank you so much for the kind words! I love to read my sister-in-law's and my brother's blogs each day.
I love Jenn's blog because I adore my nephew and reading about all of the new things he's doing makes it feel like I live next door instead of thousands of kilometres away (plus, she has such a fun writing style that I can't resist!).
I also enjoy my brother's blogs because even though you grow up with a little brother, it's neat to catch little glimpses of what goes on with those wheels always turning inside of his head!!
I love to write but I can think of dozens of reasons why I don't see myself as a blog've planted the seed maybe some day.

Darryl's big sister...Lori

Anonymous said...

Jenn...I checked the chart again...since Mom's birthday is in August but I was born in July...she would have still been 23 when I was actually born. This would likely make the month of conception September which, (drum roll please) correct!

For Darryl, he was born at the end of August (15 days after Mom would have turned 26). Go back 40 weeks and you're looking at October...(let's see, over to the right...down a couple of lines...)...damn, right again!

Definitely...seems to be more accurate than 50/50! Must be one of those ancient Chinese secrets!! (Please excuse the TV reference, you're probably too young to remember those laundry detergent commercials from the early 80's!)

Have fun "planning" (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)!


Lesley said...

So, the chinese predictor seems pretty accurate. That being said, how would you choose to try for a boy or girl?
With a boy you could get more use out of Lucas' wardrobe but with a girl you'd get to experience pink frilly dresses, ponytails and no matter what people say girls and boys do play differently and have different interests - although the dayhome boys are all quite happy to push the doll stroller around and bake cookies at the play kitchen!

Allie said...

My age and the month I conceived - right for my son, potentially wrong with this one seeing as the chart claims it is a boy and the ultrasound(s) suggest a girl.

I think that you are supposed to go by the age you are when you conceive as opposed to how old you will be when giving birth - or at least that is what my Chinese decent friends have lead me to believe. :) Oddly however, it was correct for my mom for both my sister and I.

Good luck with the decision making of when to have another one. I wish that I could spout some profound wisdom to help you on your path, but I just don't have any. In the short term, at least have fun with practising the technique. (Insert big grin here)