Monday, February 06, 2006

Lullabye, Goodnight My Angel- Billy Joel (which is a great song!)

Well getting up 3 times last night was so hard. Lucas had slept through the night for 5 nights in a row. I thought (and was hoping) that was going to be the new normal. Hence I was wrong, you should never get your hopes up. Nor should I ever use the word hence again. =) I'm not sure what was wrong last night but he didn't seem happy. Of course then he sleeps in a little (8am) and then our day is a little out of whack. Becuase he woke up at 8 I put him down at 10ish, but I think that was too late and then he fought sleep tooth and nail. Anyway we made it through and he went down well for his afternoon nap.

Took him into SAIT today, since I had to drop off my contract. My students seemed to be quite happy to see him. So was Donna. It was good to see her too and she didn't seem completly exhausted, which I thought she might with the amount she is teaching. Then we headed off to the chiropractor and she made me all moveable again. It's interesting what different muscles are affected when your activites involve carrying around a child rather then being a teacher.

Watched the Superbowl yesterday, a fairly good game from my amateur opionion. Also enjoyed a good episode of Grey's Anatomy, but it will be to bed early for me tonight.

Onto the game.....

Yes the picture is of Darryl and I at the Eiffel Tower. The real one, not the Las Vegas one.

Yes the anonoymous poster got it right about Darryl and Emma at Allen Bill Pond and when we were there a couple weeks ago, it still wasn't frozen yet. So probably have to skip it this year. But I do love this picture. It's funny to see Emma pulling Darryl. Maybe next Sunday we will go skating as our family thing. I'm not sure if they have anything to put Lucas in at the oval, but we could always take the sleigh downtown....

Anyhoo, here's today's picture

It is kind of a hard picture, so the hint is..... It's in Italy. And there are lots of pigeons there.

Till Tommorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, pick me, pick me! It took lots of research on the internet but I think I've figured it out! Are you and Darryl in St. Mark's Square in Venice, Italy? For bonus points, is that St. Mark's Cathedral and the Bell Tower in the picture behind you?

Signed the least "worldly" member of the family, LORI