Thursday, September 17, 2015

My wise one

For the last year and a half I have been going to Soul Hot Yoga and one of the classes I attend regularity is Thursday night yin with Jaime. She is wise beyond her years and one of the reasons I love going is Jamie has great life lessons. She tells stories and makes us think about life differently.  I love the room and the heat and I love holding the poses for a long time.  But mostly I love the life lessons.   

Tonights lessons were about mindfullness and being present in the moment.  Also about having experienes without judging.  Not to think about our experiences as good or bad, as success or failures, but just as experiences.  Experiences that shape us and help to make us who we are. 

So profound.



1 comment:

Lesley said...

I like that- experiences, not as a positive or negative but for exactly what they are, events that happened.

I'm looking forward to my return to yoga!