Sunday, September 13, 2015

Lucas's 10 Year Old Questions

This is an ongoing question series I like to ask the boys and to fill the space. =)

My favorite food is: Steak
My favorite sport is: Baseball
When I grow up I'm going to be: Unsure
My favorite color is: blue
My favorite song is: Radioactive Imagine Dragons
My favorite season is: Spring
If I could go anywhere in the world I'd go: Disneyworld
When I was little I use to: construction vehicles

My favorite school subject is:  Gym
My best friend is: Elliot, Shaun 

My favorite snack is:  Candy
My favorite TV show: Jessie
I'm really good at: Drawing
My favorite thing about summer is: The beach
My favorite thing about winter is: Sledding
I love the book: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, And Then in Happened Series
A food I don't like is:  A lot of foods, Really hate

If I had one wish it would be: My house would never burn down
My favorite thing to do with Nathan is: Play video games and biking
My favorite thing to do with Dad is: Mountain biking

My favorite thing to do with Mom is:Watching baseball
Best teacher: Mme. Natalie, all teachers have been good.

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