Thursday, September 24, 2015

Favourite Snack Foods

Today I ate a ton of junk food, pizza for dinner, food court of lunch.  Pop and not water. french fries not fruit.  I really should have brought an apple.  They are in season now and the perfect travel food.  When I went to yoga my practice was not as good as normal.  Which I'm sure has to do with the food I ate and also the fact I haven't done yoga for days now.   But I committed to eating better when I came home.  So my bedtime snack was yougourt with dried goji berries and a handful of almonds. 

What's your favourite healthy snacks?

Till Tomorrow


1 comment:

Goofball said...

I'm trying to have each day a decent portion of vegetables (not always easy for me) and to eat some fruits. Other than that, I am not giving it too much thought. If I try to snack healthy I go for yoghurt or fruit. But then again, if I crave for some chips, I'll enjoy them very much (as long as I don't do that too frequently). I'm only not trying to exaggerate in any food.