Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Monthly Newsletter: 86 months

Dear Lucas,

Today you turned 86 months old, which seems crazy old, but I guess that's what happen when you are 7 =).  We say 7 rather then 86 months, cause that sounds like so many months.  I haven't written you a newsletter in a couple of months as it was your birthday fairly recently and I usually write these each year now, but with blogging everyday this is a good way to fill the day (and I like talking to you).

You are at a great age for chats.  You are smart and kind and funny, so talking to you is quite enjoyable.

School has been going really well for you.  You are enjoying and excelling at grade two.  Each night we practice your "mots de semaine" and your reading.  With your mots de semaine, you get progressively better each day so that on Friday when you have your test, you often get perfect.  We are very proud of you and your accomplishements.  Earlier this month I wanted to check in with your teacher to see how you are doing.  Here is the email I sent:

I just wanted to check in and see how Lucas has been doing in class?  We've talked to him at home and he says everything is good and he's really enjoying school, but there were times last year that he said that and he was still having a hard time in class.  Just wanted to make sure he's not getting too upset and able to participate in class.

Thanks and have a great Thanksgiving.

And this is the beautiful email I received from her:

Good afternoon Jenn,
I can only say that I have not seen any tears nor teary eyes but I did witness many smiles on his little face. He truly seems to be enjoying his time in grade 2. Positive comments/reinforcements light up his face. If I notice something negative, I'll let you know.
Have a great Thanksgiving too.

She has done a great job of providing a safe learning environment for you and you are doing really well.  I feel lucky that you have such a great teacher this year.  

The other big development for you in the past couple of months is your love and abilites in reading.  You can now read a chapter book in a week.  We have set a new routine where you read your chapter book till 9pm and then it's lights out.  You are very proud of yourself, as we are very proud of you too.   Luckily you can get a new book each week at the library and we are not going broke buying you books.  But I'm so happy you have the same love of reading that your Dad and I have.

Other then that things have been pretty status quo.  You are in swimming lessons again this year, although it is getting more and more challenging, so you didn't enjoy it as much as when it was easy peasy for you.  But your swimming is really improving, you can swim a whole lap of the pool doing the front stroke and the back stroke.  And this week in class you did the best dive of the class.  Even though you are one of the smallest and youngest in the class, I'm glad I keep pushing you to go as I am really seeing improvements to your skills.   

You are losing lots of teeth.  The other day you had enough money from all the tooth fairy visits that you could buy yourself a pokemon card pack.  

I love you and I'm proud of what a great kid you are. 

love mom 

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