Sunday, June 18, 2006

Monthly Newsletter- Month Ten

Dear Lucas,

Yesterday you 10 months old. You are becoming more beautiful and fun each day. That being said you have also developed an attitude this month.

This is the month we had to baby proof the house. Not that you have become a proficent crawler. You still enjoy dragging yourslef across the floor like you are in the army. But you have found trouble. Mostly in the form of animal bowls, heating vents and electrical sockets. Disiplinarain has been added to my role as a mother. I can say no quite strongly, and if often make you cry. But just wait till your dad starts to say no. If he does it in th emean voice. I'm sure that will make you cry. Your favorite by far is the water dish. I made the mistake of letting you play in it once and now you are always looking for it on the floor. For the last coule of weeks I"ve been putting it on the counter and the animals are looking dehydrated. Of course I put it down for them while you are sleeping. But I have to put it back up once you are moving on the floor.

The other part of your attitude that has developed is your arching back. When you are upset or don't want to go somewhere you arch your back with protest. I tried to put you in the stroller yesterday and you arched your back. Or in the highchair and you arched your back. I ofcourse usually win this battles but you do like to let your preferences be known.

Along with the bad attitude you have also learned some fun things. You love to slide backwards off the bed. We could spend hours playing this fun game. It started with sliding off the edge of the pool and has You have also learned where yours, mine and Dad's belly button's are and love to find them. You love to find anything these days. You will play the game with yourself. Hide the lid under and blanket and then find it again. Then hide it again and find it again. Or lift daddy's shirt to find his belly button then hide it again. Then lift his shirt. Off all the belly buttons though I think you like yours the best. It's like you can't believe everytime you look down there it is. Plus it never leaves. Every bathtime there it is.

This was also the month that your Grammie can to visit you again. You are a lucky boy to have so many wonderful grandparents. Grammie's visit was lots of fun and you loved having a new playmate. It is so important to me that your Dad's family is part of your life. I hope you will spend lot sof quality time with them. Once you get older you will love going to Ontario, swimming in lakes, going to Toronto. There is lots of fun stuff you will enjoy there. Your dad also loved having his mom around.

Physically you are better at dragging yourself around. You have learned to go from a lying to sitting position and you are up on your hands and knees a bit more. You love walking with us and we spend lots of our day doing that. Whether it's running after Emma, or just walking outside watching the world go by. You love to be upright. You have also started signing. You can do more and fan and bottle (bu only a couple of times) You have also learned how to clap your hands and dance (although not at the same time=)

I bought you a sandbox this month as well. So along with playing in the water you love playing in the sand. I'm sure you will grow to love it more and more as time goes on. But already when we walk out outside you point to your big turtle to play in it. It has become my goal to always make you happy. HOnestly Lucas most of the time you are. You are such a happy baby. People love you and your beautiful smile. Although with most stangers you act coy. But at home we have fun and play and you are a happy guy. You sleep well, eat well.

How did I get so lucky as to become your mom......

Love you

Mommy ( a word you learned to say this month)

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