Monday, October 01, 2007


Oh me oh my. So we had our first major tantrum ever. Luckily it was here in the house rather then out at a store. But my god, there must have been crying for 25 minutes. It all started because he didn't want to wear pajamas but wanted to stay in his clothes. In hind sight I should have just left him in his clothes. But once I said no, he had to wear pajamas, I couldn't go back on it. I didn't want him to think if he cried and went on I would change my mind. At one point I thought he was going to throw up. But he didn't. Although I wasn't really sure what to do, what do you do during a tantrum. Try to calm them? Ignore them? Leave the room? I did try all of the above and eventually it seemed to subside. By the end of the night he was out like a light, exhausted from all that crying, and wearing his pajamas. =)

Till Tomorrow



Goofball said...

umm....I am not a parent, so I am no use giving you advice I suppose.

First of all I think all toddlers can have tantrums now and then. So nothing to freak out about unless they become very very regular.

Then i've always heard that you should ignore them (after maybe stating once that their tantrum is not accepted and that they need to calm down or so).
We were once visiting some friends with at that moment a 1.5y boy getting a tantrum where he dropped on the floor and started screaming.
We all immediately turned around with our backs towards him and engaged in an 'entertaining' lively conversation among ourselves. A couple of minutes later he got up and went to play, so there it seemed to work.

I think you were absolutely right not giving in about the wearing of pajamas.

But once again....I don't think I am well placed to give advice :p. I just think you did well

Andrea said...

Ohh, the first tantrum. I have been lucky that my son has not had one yet...but my time will come. Good job on sticking to your 1st decision.

la bellina mammina said...

Hi - came over from Mrs Mogul.

I agree with you in not giving in. LP is almost 2 and when he throws a tantrum, he does it exactly ike the boy described by Goofball. Now I always ignore him and he gives up after a minute or two. Something about getting it off his chest, I think :-)

Anonymous said...

Ignore them they do it for attention or to get their own way

good on you for being strong and not giving in
your right that wouldnt have been good

while I love toddlers they dont call a certain characteristic of them the terrible 2s for nothing

Allie said...

Seeing as my son is still getting over his reflux, he holds me hostage when he gets upset and will projectile puke everywhere. Luckily I haven't experienced a tantrum yet as the threat of him losing his hockey stick privilege is enough to stiffle the onset of one.

Good for you though for holding ground. Sometimes I wonder if it is just a child's natural way to test the boundaries?