Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pregnancy #2

Yesterday in my e-mail I got an update and it's my 17th week. 17 weeks already. Holy crap this pregnancy is going by fast. It's too bad becuase this may very well be the last time I'm pregnant (especially if it's up to Darryl, which is 1/2 is=). You want to savour every moment. I'll only live life once and this may be the last time I'm pregnant. In the future I'll get to live vicariously though others, but it's just not quite the same. So I thought I'd decidcate a bunch of posts to this pregnancy.

So far the the first 17 weeks have been easy compared with my last pregnancy. No throwing up, a little more tired then normal, but nothing horrible. I think one of the other things that is so different this time is that I already have someone to take care of, so that comibined with feeling well, it's easy to forget I'm pregnant. My belly did get bigger much faster this time, therefore I started wearing maternity clothes much faster. I've also been felling kicks for a couple of weeks as well, which is much sooner then last time.

Allie asked a couple of questions in a previous post. Had we told Lucas. We have told him recently, so that he will be more cautious of "mommy's belly" but he really doesn't get it. The other day we were on the swings and he told me Lucas had a baby in his belly. A couple days after that he told me I had a baby jaguar in my belly (after his new favorite character Diego, best buddy).

One of the other questions everyone wants to know is if we are going to find out the sex. Darryl and I haven't really decided. With Lucas we didn't find out. Although I "looked" like I was having a boy, at least that's what everyone told me. I had prepared myself for having a boy, becuase (sorry Lucas) but I REALLY wanted a girl. Now that I have gone through the experience, I love having a boy now and think I may even want another one. Teenage girls seem so hard. I think it would be nice for Lucas to have a brother, they may have more in common then a sister. But part of me would still love a girl, so whatever comes will be just fine. So the question still remains, do we find out or not? What do you think, what did you do, were you glad?

Till Tomorrow



Lesley said...

We couldn't find out for Joey but would have liked to and we did know for Alex.
It is nice to have that ultimate surprise in the delivery room but we decided to find out and pick a name so Joey'd get used to the idea that there would be an Alex at our home and it seemed to make sense to Joey when we got the nursery set up that we'd be having a wee baby at our home soon.
When he came into the hospital room to meet Alex, his eyes just lit right up.
It was unforgettable.
I envy people that can wait for the surprise though too.
Can't wait to read everyone else's opinions!

Alexis said...

You should find out b/c I wanna know!! LOL

Lori Aitken said...

There's something to be said for the anticipation of the surprise at the end.
There are many good reasons to find out but if you don't have a specific need to find out, then my vote would be to wait for the surprise.
We can hardly wait! Only 23 more weeks until my new niece or nephew gets here!

Allie said...

We kept Kaelen's sex a surprise for us, but then we decided to try and find out the sex of Masyn at my 19 week ultrasound. We used the excuse that should the baby have been a girl, then we could go and trade all of our boy clothes in for girl clothes (which we never did). With Masyn, she wouldn't cooperate with the ultrasound so we didn't know for sure until my 28 week ultrasound as to her sex. I had a feeling that it was a girl because the pregnancy was polar opposite to that of my son's. I will admit that when I was pregnant with Masyn, I was really hoping that it would be a boy. I thought that another boy would be perfect as the kids could be best friends and playmates. I was scared to have a girl as they just seem so dramatic as they get older and I was concerned that Kaelen wouldn't have a close relationship to a sister than that of a brother. My hubby was estatic that we discovered that she was a girl because he really wanted one of each. We had originally agreed to keep the sex a secret between the two of us but hubby spoiled it due to him having to tell the whole world that he was having a daughter.

Now, I LOVE having one of each and it seems in my social circle, that it is a rare dynamic to have. Kaelen is a FABULOUS brother and absolutely adores his sister. And Masyn - well Kaelen is her world right now. I now look forward to Masyn getting just a wee bit older as it will balance out our family dynamics when the boys start picking on Mommy. :)

Do I regret it? Not really. Despite knowing that Masyn was a girl, you always have that wee bit of doubt that the ultrasound could have been wrong. And ... there still is that HUGE excitement to see the baby for the first time. I found that similar to Lesley's comment, that it helped us prepare Kaelen for the new addition coming into our household. We let him ultimately decide on the name for his sister (we narrowed it down to two names and let him choose) and also took him on a special shopping trip to buy a "coming home" outfit for her too.

I think that whatever you and Darryl decide will be the right choice. I also understand your comment about wanting to savour this pregnancy as it could be your last. If my hubby gets his way then we are done. Part of me agrees that two is enough, but there is that little part within too that says "one more please".

Anonymous said...

take care Jenn
I found out with the boys
Yep I was glad it kinda helped me bond with them

BTW U and Daryl are tagged

Goofball said...

I always say that I don't want to know the sex of the baby. My sister didn't know it either. But I've heard about so many people that they change their mind during the pregnancy itself.

I guess all is fine, whatever choice feels like best for you at that moment. It's always gonne be a surprise that gets revealed either sooner or later.

sari said...

We weren't going to find out this time, but we ended up finding out (which was fine). I also felt the movements inside much sooner this time than I did the other two times.

I'm glad you're doing well!! I didn't even know, I must have much more catching up to do than I thought!