Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Eating for Two

I got this in my e-mail today and thank god!

My Pregnancy This Week

Hello, Jennifer !

At 4 1/2 inches long (head to bottom) and 3 1/2 ounces, your baby is about the size of an avocado. In the next three weeks, she'll go through a tremendous growth spurt, doubling her weight and adding inches to her length. The patterning of her scalp has begun, though her hair isn't recognizable yet. Although closed, her eyes are moving (slowly), and she's even started growing toenails. Her fingernails and toenails will continue to grow, so don't be surprised if she needs them trimmed soon after birth.

Thank God becuase this is what I ate yesterday:

1 cinnamon raison bagel for breakfast, apple juice
Lunch: pork chop, 1/2 potato, 1/2 c. carrots, 1/2 c. beans., coke
Post Lunch snack: 3 ( I repeat 3) sandwichs
Dinner: 1 piece of pizza, milk
Dessert: 1 yougourt
Pre bed snack: a huge bowl of chocolate crackle ice cream with raspberries and half a bag of chips with gingerale

Thank god I'm eating for 2 or I'd be a pig, or maybe I'm both.

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

Jenn try to health as much as you want but keep it healthy
and if I havent said it already
Im so pleased for you all

Lori Aitken said...

Whether pregnant or not, it's normal to go through periods of insatiable hunger or a complete lack of interest in food. Most of the time we fall somewhere in between.
Don't fret. You might be starving this week but next week might could be different again. Enjoy each stage, regardless.


P.S. Thanks for the great idea! Raspberries on chocolate crackle ice cream....that's brilliant!

Allie said...

I love it! Sorry - but that made me giggle. I say, let yourself indulge and don't worry about it. It is not like you are eating totally unhealthy.

So ... the burning question that I am sure you have been inundated with: are you planning on finding out the sex of your baby at your 18/19 week ultrasound? Have you told Lucas yet? How truly exciting for you and your family!!