As I write this letter I am quite frustrated with all of the non-sense you have put me through in the last couple of days. You are definitely going through a stage where you are having trouble showing your emtions or your testing boundaries or something, but you will get so mad and scream and cry about the craziest things. Especially pajamas. You have this favorite pair of pajamas but if they are dirty or you've just worn them for nights and nights before and I don't let you wear them you scream and cry. As a parent I'm not sure what the right thing is to do. I don't really care if you wear dirty pajamas to bed, but I also know I need to set boundaries for you and that you can't always get your way. Someday as you grow up and you read these letters, especially if you ever become a parent you may get a glimpse of what I'm talking about. It's hard to be a parent. It's hard to know what the right thing is to do. It's hard to listen to your kid scream and cry over something you consider stupid, but know if you give in they'll do it again and again.
As I'm sure your life is and will be and my life is and will be and most everyone's life is and will be is a set of stages. Stages where we learn things and grow. Stages where we go through hard times and then good times again. I guess if we didn't have the hard times we wouldn't appriciate the good times as much.
Other then the last couple of days the month has been excellent. Even in the last couple of days most of the time you are superb and so much fun to be around, just a hard stage for my parenting skills. You still laugh alot and are a super happy kid. You have learned to love playing hide and seek. Although it is always Daddy or I who are hiding and you are seeking. But you'll find us, shriek with delight and say " Mommy hide again".
Your singing continues: Twinkle, Twinkle, Einsy Winsy Spider and Row your boat are old favorites now. You are attempting to master your ABC's, but cannot get the last words out although Dad is so proud you say Z the Canadian way. And LMNO P does sound like animal pee. But you continue to impress me with your smarts.
Our biggest adventure this month was probably your weekend spent with Grandma while Daddy and I jetted off to NYC. From what I hear you were well behaved. I was a good mommy and only called once. During the phone call you were showing me some of the new toys you got from Grandma and Pop and would say "look it, mom, look it." Which made all of us laugh very hard because you don't quite understand the phone concept yet. On that trip Daddy and I also lost our camera that's why we don't have alot of pictures to post in this newsletter.
Although I so enjoyed our trip it was so nice to come home to you and hear your voice. I forgot how it sounds so quickly. But it was the sweetest noise ever. So while we wait for a new camera it's going to be video bonanza's.
love you
It's so easy to sit back and give advice, when you are not in the situation, but since Lucas likes to help with the laundry, he could wash his own favourite pyjamas. Perhaps that might work with the upset of not wearing them. (As I said, not being in the situation.) It might work.
Thanks for the newsletter, always love to hear the progress. Love Grammy
PS: Sounded like a good apple pie recipe. If only I felt ambitious.
Good idea Grammy! He's such a smart little cookie that it just might do the trick.
I know it's frustrating with a 2 year old. I can especially identify because Mackenzie was a smart little cookie just like Lucas. There were often times where she would figure something out before she was mature enough to grasp the concept which can definitely complicate parenting such a smart little cookie.
I'm sure you remember all about Mackenzie's overwhelming fear of the wind at 3-4 years old. She couldn't understand that balls and balloons can blow away and patio furniture could blow over but that people don't really blow away.
That phase was a LONG one!
Good luck and keep us posted.
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