Saturday, November 17, 2007

Monthly Newsletter- Month Twenty Seven

Dear Lucas,

Today you turn twenty seven months old. As these monthly birthday's pass we don't do anything special for them, except I am sure to write you this newsletter. This month has been quite good. Although some times I feel like we are in the terrible two's, most of the time I'm thinking this has been lots of fun. Even yesterday you suggested going to the zoo, becuase that's what you wanted not because it was what I suggested.

I also think you are quite well behaved. Of course you throw your temper tantrums like most 2 year olds do, but when we are out you are quite good to reason with. I don't have a problem letting you walk around the toy store, where I see many parents who won't let kids out of the cart. Not that I judge them, I may not let the next one out of the cart.. Where you get upset is usually at home and usually with wearing clothes. "I don't want to wear that shirt", or " I don't like those pajamas". But other then you wanting to wear Diego morning, noon and night, you are a great kid.

One of the things that seems to have developed more this month was your sense of humor. You quite enjoying laughing at yourself. Whether it getting the giggles in the tub because you farted and made lots of bubbles or coyly laughing at me when I peek at you in the morning. You are learning what is funny and how to be funny.

This month has had lots of changes in store for you. We moved from the old house to the new house. You have adapted surprisingly well. Not once have you asked to go back to the old house. I guess a big part of it is that we are finding all the toys we had packed up. It's like a mecca of new toys. Even the "baby" toys are fun for you. We spent and hour going through a box of them the other day. The other change we made with this house is your big boy bed. You have taken to it really well. Only one night have I found you in the middle of your floor rather then in your bed. I think you enjoy the extra space in the bed. I like it as well becuase I can lay in the bed with you, rather then on the hard floor.

One of my favorite things about you is your talking. You have a really great vocabulary. And when you are happy you love to talk. While we are driving around you talk about the "huge" scrapers or the "giant" cranes. We look for deers at night and concrete mixer in the day time. But all grandma's talking, rubbed off on me and has now rubbed off on you. We are a family of constant commentary.

love you pumkin


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading youre monthly letters to Lucas
Im hoping My Little Man will enjoy our new house as much Lucas enjoys his
we have a lovely garden which Im sure My Little Man will love exploring
you should see my kitchen not that My Little Man will love it like I will
Lucas sounds like a happy 2 year old and I donmt think youve got it too bad if the only thing about the "terrible 2s" is clothing issues
heres to a fab month 28