Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fun Winter Day........ The Beginning of the End

I may always love Tuesday becuase of the fond memories I have of my days with Lucas. I am so lucky to only work part time and Tuesday's in not a day I work. Its snowed all night last night and so the drive to work sounded horrible, but Lucas and I enjoying hanging out in our p.j's until that was all done. We did head out to the store to pick up a couple of things and then came home and bundled up to play outside for a while. Nothing special but I love to spend the day with him. I'm so looking forward to my year maternity leave.

It is the beginning of the end of nap time. He was been happy for most of the day he did not have a nap this afternoon. I'm sad, I don't want nap time to be done. Most days he still has a nap, but about once a week he skips it. I do miss having time to myself in the day. I'm going to have to instigate quiet time in the afternoons when naps stop all together.

Till Tomorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE being my little boy too
so much so that Ive decided to stay a SAHM
and Im probably going to homeschool my older boy next year too

does Lucas go to bed really early on the days he misses his afternoon nap
My Little Man does so its not too much of a hazzle for me