Thursday, March 08, 2007

Too Smart...

Tonight my mom stopped by for a visit. We were getting Lucas to say all kinds of new words, Zebra, Ed (from the Barnaked Ladies) and table. We are pointing out things to him to say.

Darryl points to the table: What's this?
Lucas: Table
Darryl picks up pen: What's this?
Lucas: Peen
Darryl grabs Lucas's yellow Ferrari: What's this?
Lucas: Rarari
Mom points at herself: Who is this?
Lucas: Shirt

Wouldn't say Grandma for her. Although later this evening he was saying it (she had gone home). So we went to the phone and called her. He said it on her answering machine. Hopefully he will say it to her face on the weekend.

Speaking of Ed here's a new cool thing: The Bathroom Sessions

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

What a great song! Do you happen to know what the name of it is or is it an unpublished gem?


Anonymous said...'re brilliant! Nothing gets by you!

Jenn, thanks for putting that moment in print. I laughed so hard the tears just streamed down my face!

Shirt!...what a kid?!

Love you all,