Thursday, March 15, 2007

Internet Dating

This week I worked at the hospital where I work once a month. I love to go there. It's a place where I feel comfortable and it's like going home. I know all the people there and they are so happy to see me. Although I quite like my job now, it's a different environment then working at the hospital. The shift that I picked up was spur of the moment because someone called in sick. When I got to the hospital I was working with people who all use to be my students. It made me feel very old. Even though I probably wasn't the oldest one there, I felt like it.

One of the problems of being a teacher is that it limits the pool of people I can pick from my friends. As an instructor you establish a certain line that you don't cross. You can't pick favorites because you hold the red pen. You determine whether these students pass or fail (which they all pass) but you give them marks, so I don't want there to be a whisper of favoritism. Once you have that relationship with someone it's hard to change. So all the 24 students I graduated I'll probably never be friends with. At least not the kind of friends where you get your families together or go out shopping. So I told my very best friend Tammy that she was stuck with me forever.

This brings me to the title of this post. To find new friends I may have found a new way. Blogs..... On Tuesday Lucas and I went to the mall as it is quite family friendly. They have lots of play stations and Lucas likes to play with Thomas the Tank Engine at Chapters. While standing in line at the Orange Julius a lovely lady comes up to me and says: Not to freak you out but are you Jenn? Yes, I reply. I look over and see her son, which I recognize from her blog and realize it's Allie from Life at the Whittinghams. We had a short, but great conversation. Lucas was fussy so I couldn't talk for long. It was cool because even though we had never met I feel like I know lots about her. I was able to meet her new daughter and see what a fun little kid Kaelen is. It was such a good experience and am so greatful for blogs. I guess as the saying goes, when one door closes another one opens.

Till Tomorrow



Lesley said...

I totally agree with you Jenn! After all, that's how I met you, Darryl and Lucas!
Lucas is being such a good role model for the other little boy who's just starting to speak. At snack Lucas was saying please and E. was mimic'ing him. It was awesome!
Lucas must get his teaching ways from his Mom!

Jenna said...

Jenn, how cool is that??? It's like you're famous! I hope that your blog friendship turns into a real life friendship...that would be awesome!

Jenn said...


You are so good at making a mommy feel proud. I'm glad he is starting to show manners.


Anonymous said...

I would love to meet some of my bloggie friends
Your title caught my eye because Muzz and I met though internet dating and I feel blessed. Muzz is such a good step daddy, daddy and partner :)