Friday, March 09, 2007


Well Lucas and I just got back from the zoo and I should have known he would fall asleep in the car. He did love running around the zoo and enjoyed it more then when he was little. At least he could say most of the animals names. I think his favorite was the monkey's. He enjoyed running around and getting lots of fresh air. They also have a great playground there, they have different areas dedicated to certain age groups. Lucas quite enjoyed the two and under part.

Usually winters are not as social as summers. Although our best friends are around alot more in the winter as they camp alot in the summer. We went to their house last weekend for dinner and a fun game of Poker.

Tonight I am having an Arbonne Party. Arbonne is a skin care company and it seems to have "exploded" in the town. I've heard lots of good things about it. And everyone I know has been to one of these parties, but I hadn't heard of this company before Christmas. Anyway, it seems to be quite popular.

I also went to an amazing party a couple of weekends ago. My friend Lesley had a Bunco party. She did such an amazing job of planning it. There were great prizes, lots of fun people and the game we played was easy to learn. The party also had a theme: Diva. I was amazed at how good someone was at planning a fun party.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

cool the zoo

Hope the party went well

Lesley said...

Oh stop you're making me blush!

I entertain a lot and usually have themes to them, sure the Name That Tune is a little silly and the trivia kind of lame....but it's fun!

Have a great Arbonne party! I've got the NutriminC line, the men's line and the babies line as well as some makeup. Love love love the stuff!