On Sunday you turned 18 months old, I have been a little late in writing this post as it has been a hard month for both of us. I didn't start these newsletters until the really hard part of the newborn part was over so most of the newsletters have been quite happy. Not that this one is going to be a downer, but things are changing for us. I guess it's just been a month of highs, but also a month of lows.
You have been sick a lot, but I've realized that is normal for toddlers. You've had puking sick, mystery sick and cold sick. And that's all in a month. I am definitely looking forward to the spring as I'm hoping the sickness won't be as bad. It's hard when you are sick. Mostly I just feel bad for you. You are so lethargic and not the bubbly toddler you normally are. It is amazing the difference between you normally and when you are sick. Although it's been hard I do enjoy all the snuggling we do when you are sick. We also seem to watch lots of TV when you are sick, so you are becoming more familiar with Dora, Toopy and Bino and Barney.
The other difficulty thing we are running into is you have been testing your boundaries. We are entering a stage of parenting that will not end for many, many years to come. Someday when you read this as a teenager or maybe as an adult I'm sure we will have many more stories to tell about testing your parents. The last couple of nights you have gotten up at some point, cried till we went in to see you, then stood up and said "all done". You point towards the door like you are ready to go downstairs. We have done a variety of things, pick you up and brought you downstairs, laid on the floor waiting for you to fall asleep or rocked with you in the chair. I'll keep my fingers crossed for tonight.
The other bad habit you have developed is throwing things. I feel like we tell you 10 times a day not to throw things. I have some reading about it and they say it is normal. I also know that I need to set limits for you so every time you throw I do tell you to stop it. Sometimes this makes you cry, sometimes you give me a sly look and then smile. When you do the smiling it takes everything in me to maintain my serious face and not laugh at your cuteness. But hopefully you will learn soon that throwing is bad, so I don't feel like a broken record.
On the flip side of all the bad stuff there has been some really really great things as well. You are starting to get jokes when they tell them on TV or movies. You laughing is great. You are doing it all the time. Either your dad or I will make a funny noise and you will laugh. It is the cutest little baby laugh. I'll definitly have to tape it and listen to it all the years of my life.
With understanding all things funny has come your vocabulary. You are a mimicker, which is great. I can't believe all the words you say. There are probably 3 new words every day. And sometimes it's not repeating the words I just said. Some times you come out with things that someone has said at some point. For example the other day I took you upstairs to change a stinky bum and you said "dark" there were no lights on and you knew it was dark. Of course as soon as you had a new diaper on I ran downstairs and went into the computer room where Darryl was and turned off th lights so you would show him your new word. He was pretty impressed too. Plus all the words you use to sign you can say now. I am amazed with how quickly you are picking up language.
The other great part about you growing up is that we can do more fun things together. We tried baking this month and we cook together all the time. You like to try to make up your own concoctions of food. Often we will give you two bowls of different stuff from dinner, and you love to mix them together. Plus add a little bit of your milk from the sippy cup and you have created your own dinner. We still love running around in the park, or eating ice cream at the mall.
I love you Lucas. More then I ever thought possible.
Happy 18 months old to Lucas. They grow up fast dont they. Hope Lucas stays well for a while soon. LOL the night games Lucas plays. I had to laugh with what you said he said. Hes an adorable character. Its great that Lucas is doing so well with his ability to pick up language. Cooking is very good for him and youre brave to do it with him. It teaches a lot of maths to children. Maybe he will be a famous chief one day and hope a restaurant and shout you and Darryl to dinner there all the time.
That monthly newsletter wasn't a downer at all! It was just as sweet, funny and adorable as Lucas always is. I love the updates SOOO much!
Happy 18month birthday, babycakes!
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