As you can see Lucas is enjoying his Auntie (although he still can't say her name =). Yesterday he colored ducks with her and she taught him how to say heart.
Here she is teaching him how to hitch hike. Although I don't think she's ever hitchhiked in her whole life. =)
Today we headed up to Kensington to get the excellent cupcakes from Crave. On the way home Lucas fell asleep in the car and when I picked him up to bring him inside he woke up. Now he's been laying in his bed for half and hour talking to himself. I'm debating on when to get him..........
Anyway it's been great to have Alexis around. It's funny when we lived in the same city we saw each other once a month. Now that she lives in another city, when she comes to see us it is such a treat and we spend lots of time doing fun things. Yesterday we saw the movie Catch and Release with Jen Garner. We both love Jen Garner, I even love her even more now that she is the best mom. The movie was quite good. Although I cried through .... most of it. But a good release.
Till Tomorrow
Cool that your sister came to stay :)
Sisters and Aunties are very special people
Hey Jenn,
I agree, Aunties are very special :)
Love Jennifer Gargner too! I'm a big fan of her Alias show. If you ever need to watch any of the seasons, just let me know...I have all of them :)
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