But the holidays were great. They were a good balance of spending time with the big family and friends. We had my Oma and Opa come and stay with us. They were great, a good mix of not feeling obligated to entertain them but having good conversations and fun times. Christmas was fun with my Mom, Dad, sister and Auntie Karen. Lucas was great, he's at an age where you don't have to spend a lot and he spends lots of time with each present apprciating it before moving to the next. We did enjoy good food as well. Cinnamon buns for breakfast and turkey for dinner. I do love Christmas.
The days between Christmas and New Years, were a little less busy. Lucas did get an eye infection. We met my sisters boyfriend, who is very nice and spent some good time with her.
New Years Eve was good too. We had lots of people here and it was interesting to see how the new house was good for entertaining. I was crazy enough to not take any pictures.
In the week after Lucas and I went swimming and to the zoo. It was fun to spend good time with Lucas especially since that baby will be here before we know it. We exchanged some toys at the toys store and for everything he was so well behaved. He loved the swimming. He loves the zoo too, but we haven't been swimming in a while so I think he really loved that.
Like I said I'm happy to be back at work, but loved my holiday.
Till Tomorrow
Pleased your happy to work
and pleased you had a good Christmas with Lucas
sounds like you had a great vacation period.
Enjoy being back at work :). Bye bye
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