Monday, January 28, 2008

Fun Times Weekend

With the wind chill here it's about -47. Isn't that damn cold? It is so so cold here. So be glad wherever it is you live that it is not -47. Here are some tibits from the weekend:

  • Friday Darryl and I went out for date night. It was so nice to have a dinner where we weren't interrupted or trying to pay attention to two conversations at the same time. Although it did make me miss wine.
  • Saturday we started to decorate both Lucas's and the babies room. Paint, trips to Ikea, a productive Saturday
  • We also got Lucas the Hungry, Hungry Hippos game, he adores it. Although I am trying to make it educational because he wants to play it all the time. It is loud.
  • Sunday we went swimming before the deep freeze came
  • Had dinner at my Mom and Dad and she made excellent lamb, although that made me miss wine too
  • My gums have been so sore. I didn't have this problem with my last pregnancy. I'm getting to the point where I may go on a straw diet, if it doesn't fit through a straw I won't eat it.
Did you have a good weekend?

Till Tomorrow



Jenna said...

We just started doing date night, too...about once or twice a month. It works wonders, but so good for your relationship. Ah, to be able to talk without interruption or tending to child is a treat to have every now and then.

Sorry to hear about your gums! At least it is only temporary!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

sending warm thoughts and prayers your way

its good for you and Darryl to have date nights

The Hungry, Hungry Hippos game is neat fun

maybe you need to see a dentist?

Goofball said...

-47C...hmm yes I think that's a temperature people should avoid. Can you survive that outside?

Sounds like you had a very busy weekend!

Take care