Monday, September 17, 2007

Monthly Newsletter - Month Twenty Five

Dear Lucas,

Well I definitely am noticing a difference in your growing up. I think I have said every couple of days, it's hard being two. You are much more mellow dramatic then you were two months ago. You went through a bought of really terrible crying when I would drop you off at Lesley's. Now you don't cry when I drop you off but when I pick you up. There's no winning. Luckily the crying when I pick you up is more of a whine then a heart wrenching cry. But you can be that way with everything. " Don't wanna go home", "Don't wanna go to the park"

Luckily the good things still totally out weigh your mellow dramatic. You continue to be so smart. You are counting and starting to sing your abc's, although you do like to start with LMNOP.

The other thing that we have had alot of experience with this past month is birthdays. It started with your birthday and you talked about that for weeks, and still talk about it now. Then we had cake and candles for 3 other people's birthday's and you are very into it. You know the birthday song, you know there should be a candle you can blow out and most important you know we get to eat cake.

Another thing that is developing is your love of stuffed animals. You just use to sleep on them and use them as pillows, but now Winnie the Pooh has feelings and likes to feel the parts of the touch and feel book. Hugzie is now your friend who likes to eat toast with us while having dinner. And who you squeeze so tight.

You have definitly been a trooper this month. Living in the uber clean house where no one would know a toddler resides, becuase all the toys are hidden in cupboards somewhere. Plus with all the stress your Dad and I have been under sometimes we can't give you the attention you normally get. I am so happy you have no idea about everything going on. It makes everything seem less life changing. In the end no matter what happens you'll still want to play with playdoh and take walks to the park. You are a healthy and happy kid and have healthy happy parents, and that's is the most important thing of all.

I love you



Anonymous said...

praying for u and Daryl

Jenna said...

He's getting so big and really turning into a little boy!

I hope you had wonderful birthday, in spite of everything that is going on. You are in my thoughts...

Anonymous said...

I have a friend, who has a little boy just one month younger than Lucas. When I see him, all I want to do is brag about what Lucas is up to and can do and say. This little fellow is very much behind,so I really have to bite my tongue, as I don't want to worry the mother (who already thinks her child is behind) You certainly are a smart little boy and we love you from London, Ontario. Great blog entry mommy. Love from Grammy