Thursday, August 09, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Over the last weekend there are two big things that I am so greatful for.

The first is my Oma and Opa. I'm so happy that they live in a great summer place. Lucas and I been there 3 times this summer and have been enjoying the beach and the water. Oma makes dinners for us and I get to spend time with my grandparents. It is great to create memories with my grandparents and to see them with Lucas. I'm so proud to see my little boy entertain and laugh with my beloved Oma and Opa. It's great to have free accomadations in such a great location.

The second thing that I am so greatful for is marrying a man who is such a good father. I always knew I wanted children, and although Darryl did too, I don't think he felt as strongly as I did. When we go on vacation it's the three of us spending so much time together. Darryl has lots of fun and plays with Lucas for hours. Building castles and roads, sifting sand. Lucas will also do things for Lucas that he won't always do for anyone else, count with his finger, go in the water. Darryl is such a great father, moreso then I ever expected.

Till Tomorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bless Oma and Opa
and Darryl he does seem like a good daddy to me I can tell though the blog