Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Since This Seems To Be Working, I'll Try My Luck Again

So a week ago I complained about the cabinets in the new house not being ready and a day or two later, boom there they were. Yesterday I wrote about Lucas screaming and crying when we left him at Lesley, and boom this morning, he walks into the kitchen and turns and waves. Bye mom, bye dad. I was so happy, no crying from either of us. YEAH!!!

So I'm going to try my luck for a 3rd time, as my life seems like one big ball of stress. So now that the new house is ready the old house is not selling. We have not even had a showing in two weeks. We've dropped the price of the house over a week ago and there has not been one person through. We've actually started the process for plan B, which is having two mortgages. Which is making me throw up in my mouth every time I think about it. I calculated out what our payments would be and it is astronomical. It would make my life so so so so so so so so so, did I mention so, much easier if this house would sell as well. The problem is the market is so flooded with houses. Everyone seems to have the same plan Darryl and I do and their new houses are also ready. So god's of the blog world, here my call. Could I at least have some showings this weekend?? Possibly even an offer? It would really help my blood pressure.

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

thats so awesome about Lucas

im praying about your house

Goofball said...

good luck !

Lori Aitken said...

We'll cross our fingers...and our toes!

Mackenzie's also good at crossing her eyes...we hope it helps.

Allie said...

Fingers and toes are crossed as well as happy house selling thoughts flying your way. Did you end up getting any showings?