Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Way He Remembers...

A couple of stories about Lucas I wanted to write down so I'll never forget them.

Lucas is sitting in the tub tonight and farted.

I laughed

Lucas: Like Auntie Karen does
Jenn: Does Auntie Karen fart?
Lucas: No Auntie Karen laughs

My Auntie Karen has one of the most distinct laughs going. I'll have to get a video of it one time. It was great that Lucas remembers Auntie Karen from her laugh.


Last week when we were at Oma and Opa's, Oma wished Lucas "sweet dreams" before he went to bed. As Lucas lay in bed, and I lay beside him he repeated over and over again:

Oma said Sweet Dreams
Oma said Sweet Dreams
Oma said sweet dreams

So I reply, Yes, Isn't Oma a nice lady

Lucas reply's yes, Oma nice lady

Oma said Sweet Dreams
Oma said Sweet Dreams
Oma Nice lady


Lucas has had a mystery cold this week. One that comes on with a fever, lethargic and SO SO whiney. One of the ways to help him from whining is too have someone else crying. Whether it's a baby in a store, Lucas will say "It's okay baby" Or what has happen the past couple of days while we bring all the animals in the car with us for an hour, while someone comes and looks at the house, Torin and Tigger meow and meow in there kennel. Lucas will repeat to them over and over, "It's okay Torin, It's okay Tigger" Maybe he'll be a vet, or some sort of healthcare worker.

Till Tomorrow



Lori Aitken said...

Those are great little stories.

I think one of the things I like most about Lucas and especially because we got to spend a week with you and witness this first hand, is the fact that Lucas is more observant than most kids his age. While most kids his age point out shapes, colours and some familiar objects throughout the day (like an apple at the grocery store), Lucas seems to see the world in a much more deep and sensitive way. He pays attention to how people feel, speak, laugh, smile and he remembers each and every little thing that they have said to him or taught to him. It is truly a wonder to watch him.

I love you Lucas...

Aunt Lori

Blog said...

So great!!! Blogging's awesome for documenting all these sweet hilarious moments! Lucas is ADORABLE!