Today you turn 24 months 2 years old and I am amazed. Amazed that time has gone by so quickly, amazed at how big you are, amazed at what an amazing little boy you have become. You are a really excellent communicator. You can say lots and lots of words, and will try to say most anything. One thing that is starting to develop more and more is your use of pronons. You are starting to use I, rather then reffering to yourself in the third person all the time, which is great. Instead of Lucas is stuck, you'll say I'm stuck.
One of the other really cute things you are doing is adding inflection to your voice. At the end of a question you know to raise your tone. You do it to a bit of an extreme though. "Want a" -will all be in a normal voice and "Cookie" will be in a high pitched voice. Plus you talk to all the animals with the same high pitched voice. Super cute. It will be one of the things I miss when you learn to do it properly.
This month has also been more challenging because you are exerting your independance. Atleast 5 times a day I'll be doing something for you and you'll say "Lucas do it". I know to not do up the clip on your seat belt no matter what you have in your hand because "Lucas, do it" Or not to stir your oatmeal in the morning, because Lucas do it. I'm glad to see you grow up and want to try things by yourself though.
Speaking of mornings, they have become the bain of your existance. You don't mind the initial getting out of bed, but we better not rush you, you do not want to get dressed, you do not want to eat, you do not want to be out of my arms. Nothing really makes you happy. Which makes it quite hard on me and Lesley.
You still love music and I hope that never changes. . When we are driving in the car and there's no music on, you'll ask for it. Sometimes you even asks for specfic songs, lately your favorite has been Free Falling by Tom Petty. Although last one was Tinagalyo by Sharon Lois and Bram. You also love to dance and move to the music. I have to thank Lesley as well for encouarging this in you.
We went to Kelowna again this month, this time with Daddy and Emma. You and Daddy had so much fun together. He is so good at teaching you things. I'm sure there will be a day (like for all children) when you don't want to learn from your daddy, but for the moment you love to learn from him. You missed him quite a bit when we got home and you had to go to work. But you loved playing with him in the beach, making roads, sifting sand and walking in the water. Just so you always know you are so lucky to have him as your dad.
Today we were at the doctor's office for you check up, and as expected things went really well, at the end of the appointment Dr. Faul said to me. You are doing a really great job as a mom. Lucas I hope that you feel the same way too. I want so many things for you, but for me I always want to be your really great mom.
love mommy
Happy Birthday Lucas
it has gone fast hasnt it
I think youre little man is intellect
Jenn you are a GREAT mom
hope he has a happy day
Wow! I simply cannot believe that 2 years has gone by SO FAST! He's quickly losing his "baby-ness" and growing into a delightful little man. I absolutely love the way he interacts with us now on the computer. I'm not sure how much of that has to do with the fact that he's growing up or if your visit to Ontario has helped him get to know us enough that he now knows who we are when we're on the computer. Either way, it is such a treat to interact with him despite being so far away.
I love you Lucas,
Aunt Lori
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