Friday, August 17, 2007

The Start of The Birthday Weekend Extravaganza.....

This morning I took Lucas to do what every person wants to do on their birthday and he had his yearly check up. Everything went really well the doctor had no concerns, the only area that he is not excelling in is height, which I kind of already knew. But he is a smart, well socialized, eats well kid.

So after that we headed to get groceries (not becuae it's one of Lucas's favorite things, but becuase that's what we do every Friday morning) and we took a back road to get from the doctor's to the grocery store. We had been looking for a larger bobcat(skid steer) toy for Lucas for about a month now, so when I saw the Bobcat of Calgary Dealership, I did a u-turn in the street and drove into the parking lot. I was hoping they would sell Bobcat toys, as well as Bobcats. So Lucas and I walk in and they have a case of all Bobcat collector toys. YEAH!! So the receptionist who is helping us asks how old Lucas is as he can name off most of the contrusction equipment in the case. I tell her that today is his second birthday. Oh, how exciting and she calls over the manager/owner. Today is his second birthday, she tells him. Well, he says, I think we have a birthday fund for that. He looks at Lucas you can pick any toy out of here for your brithday (and the "toys" are not cheap). Lucas picks a bobcat and they guy gets one from the back and gives it to us for free. I tried to pay for it, as that was the whole point in going in there, but he insisted it was covered. He asked us to hang on for a minute he had one more thing for Lucas. So we wandered in the store for a bit and looked at brocheres and pictures, then he comes back with a another guy, Chris and Chris asks Lucas if he wants to go for a ride in a bobcat. Lucas whines "No", I say well maybe lets go back to the yard and look at the bobcat. So for the next 20 mintues we were wandering in the back of the bobcat dealership with Chris and Lucas is naming all the diggers and backhoes, and forklifts. On the way out Chris says, "Are you sure you don't want to go for a ride Lucas?" Again Lucas whines, No. But I interject and say sure, we'd love to go for a ride. So I get in the bobcat and put Lucas on my lap and he tells me to pull the big seatbelt-bar down in front of us and gives me a quick lesson on how to drive the bobcat. So Lucas and Mommy made the bobcat, "working" as Lucas would say.

It was so great!! Of course, no camera, so no pictures. But what an exciting morning. Lucas is currently napping with his bobcat as well.

Till Tomorrow and the Monthly Newsletter.



sari said...

What an amazing birthday! That's something he'll talk about for a long time, and how nice they did that for you! :-)

Goofball said...

how cool! What a fun non-planned birthday activity! :)

Lori Aitken said...

That's one of those days that you couldn't have planned if you tried. What a wonderful surprise!
