Tuesday, August 07, 2007


A funny story from our trip to Kelowna.

My Oma and Opa usually pray before they eat. That and going to church is not a habit that Darryl and I have continued. So it has taken our third trip to Kelowna before Lucas has started to put his hands together and close his eyes before eating while Opa prays. Usually he wants to talk, or watch and see what everyone else is doing. But he has just started to put his hands together while everyone else prays. The other thing we have been encouraging Lucas to do is saying Amen at the end of the prayer.

So last night Lucas is quite hungry and wanting to have dinner. Everyone sits down and Opa starts praying. One sentence into the prayer Lucas says Amen. Like come on lets eat. I start to giggle, but not the out loud giggle because Opa is still praying, but the kind where your body shakes and tears come to my eyes. Until Opa is done and then I can let out my noisy giggles. =).

I still have so much to teach my kid, like why we pray.

More on the trip Thursday,

Till Thursday



Goofball said...

oh yes that would have been hard not to laugh out loud :)

Lori Aitken said...


You're so smart! I'm with you...I mean no disrespect to anyone who wishes to say grace but I like my food hot so I like to dig in right away!

Aunt Lori

Anonymous said...

So cute! Our little guys pray before every meal. Ethan always says "Amen" when the prayer is over. I was recently shopping for a new dining room table and all through the store, Ethan had his hands folded, repeating, "Amen, Amen."