Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today I had a super fun sister day. My sister is in town for the week between semesters and I also happened to have they day off, so we went on a shopping bonanza day. We shopped from 10am to 4pm. We got great deals (Old Navy is having a big sale) and it's great because we are very similar shoppers. It's amazing how two kids can come from the same parents and be so different in some ways and so similar in others. I'm an extrovert, she's an introvert. She's so funny and I'm more serious. I had sushi for lunch, she had Arbys. I love to drive, she hates it. But when we shop we both love to look for purses and hate it when people are walking so slow in front of us. We both love a good bargain, but don't mind paying for something if we know we are going to use it a lot. Neither of us are big fans or skirts or dresses, even though sometimes we want to be. We both love to sing along to the music in stores. We both like to buy accesorises. We were both disapointted in H&M today, becuase they didn't really have anything we wanted.

It's great to have such a good shopping partner.

Till Tomorrow


Here's a cool image, that has nothing to do with my sister


Goofball said...

cool! Sisters are great, aren't they, even how different/similar they can be.

Anonymous said...

Aw, I wish I had a sister!!

Nat D said...

Sisters rock. I wish my sister and I got to go shopping together more often than an annual trip to target, which really isn't even annual or that great.

Anonymous said...

how cool