Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Investment Dude

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So tonight we had an investment "dude" come over and present us with some ideas for how to "catch up" with our investing. Darryl and I are in our late 20's and don't have very much invested. Less then 10,000. We need to start doing it again, so when investment dude called a bit ago, we decided to get together and look into it. I call him investment dude, because he's a young guy, pretty fresh out of school, with a girlfriend and a car with a big spoiler on the back. Not a shopping cart, but a noticeable spoiler. He is very nice and very knowledgeable, but still a dude. He gave us some "plane reading" for our plane ride this weekend with our toddler. He obviously doesn't have a toddler. He presented us with some very interesting ideas. It's amazing how much information is out there on how to get tax savings that common people don't really know about. For example, if you borrow money to invest there are tax savings on the interest. You can borrow enough money to decrease us into the next tax bracket, and save us more money. I guess that's why people have investment "dudes". They keep up to date on that kind of stuff. What about you guys, do you have an investment person, or do you keep up to date on it yourself, or do you not invest at all? Also is it crazy to increase our mortgage to invest money. Of course investment dude made it look like it made total sense, it just seems unnatural....., but on paper it makes total sense......

Hope you are enjoying your week


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