Sunday, April 02, 2006

Why Did Great Big Sea determine Lucas's name?

Well not much is new here. Weather is good. Lucas has been great. Did some shopping. Had dinner at mom and dad's. Pretty much same old same old. As you can see in these pictures Lucas is eating more and more foods. Here he is eating an orange. Plus a picture of why Emma is starting to love Lucas more and More Leftovers. What I thought I would do insetad of giving you the run down of the day is let everyone know why we named Lucas, Lucas.

I found it to be one of the hardest parts about having a baby. I mean other then the obvious birth, uncomfortableness etc. It was also important to Darryl that we went in with a list of girls and boys names because he wanted to look at the baby before we gave it a name. There is some criteria that we both had about names.

It could not be in the top 10. Having the name Jennifer Brown. I know what it's like to have a very common name. I wanted my child to have a known name and one spelt in the normal fashion, but it could not be in the top 10.

In my case it needed to have a short form. I like to shorten names so I thought it would be best if it had a short form so that I didn't give him a crazy one, like I did with Shaun. Tammy and Pat named there youngest Shaun and many people now call him "Shauny". He will even refer to himself as Shauny.

I also wanted a longer name that could be formally used and that went with a short last name like Park. Mark Park doesn't work, where as Nathaniel Park did. Also if it was a boy we were going to use Gordon as a middle name after Darryl's dad. We even debated for a while having Gordon as a first name.

There were alot of girls names that I like although I was gunning for Katherine after my grandma. Other girls names on the list were Boys names were a little different. Darryl had always liked the name Nathaniel. So that was on the list. Other boys names on the list were: Samuel and Thomas. We did a poll online to see which names people liked. Some one pointed out that with the name Thomas the initals would be T.P. as in toliet paper. So that name left the list. We also had a few names that came and left off the list. Charlie and Xavier, were two of them although I'm sure there were more.

About a month before giving birth one of the ladies from our prenatal class had there baby and they named him Nathaniel. Not that took the name totally off the list, but it did move one of our favorites down a little. While looking for names I found this great book. The Baby name wizard.
It is a great book when looking for names. I use to carry it everywhere when I was pregnant. I remember sitting in my whale pool being very prgnant and reading this book, trying to find the "perfect name". It wasn't until I was about a week overdue and trying everything on the planet to get this baby out that we put the name Lucas on the list. It fit the criteria, a name that people know but is not to common, sounds good with Park, and has short forms.

In the delivery room after many hours of pushing, out came the baby. When we looked at him Darryl said he didn't really look like a Nathaniel. So we had to decide did he look like a Samuel or a Lucas. We pondered over it as we studied all his beautiful hands and toes. Tiny little fingers and beautiful finger nails. Before Darryl went home that evening I wanted to decide. So once they brought us from the delivery area to the new moms area we had to make a descion becasue Darryl had to go home. I said if we named him Lucas he'd already have a song. Lukey's Boat by Great Big Sea. Darryl smiled and we had our little boys name. Lucas Gordon Park.

Till Tommorrow



Anonymous said...

wow...what a beautiful story!!! you are such an emotive writer, Jenn :) Now i need to hear the song Lukey's Boat by Great Big Sea...i'll be on the lookout..i wish I could download music on my ultra-slow computer!!
ah well...take care, and thanks for an enjoyable read :)


Anonymous said...

Nicely done, you guys did pick a great name, I think it really suits him well.