Well I'm feeling very uninspired today. We have hit a blip with Lucas and his sleep, so I'm feeling a bit sleep deprived.
Here are a 20 random things about me.
1. I'm so glad Oprah is back with new shows. I really like Oprah. I think she genuinly cares about the world.
2. I am a flyer shopper. I always see things in the flyer that I think would be great and then when I get to the store I don't buy it.
3. I am frugal. Probably one of the reasons I like flyer shopping. You don't have to spend any money. I don't usually buy any clothing unless it's on sale.
4. My shoe size is 8
5. When I was a kid I wanted to be a radio DJ. And still enjoy talking in a microphone.
6. Usually I'm a chocolate lover but today I really felt like chips. Except when my dad was here last time he ate them all. So I ate chocolate instead
7. I am a tea drinker 100%. Not even close to a coffee drinker
8. I'm 26 years old and have had two major professions. First as an x-ray technologist and now as an instructor. Both jobs have been great.
9. I am very granola. I have a t-shirt that tells people to recycle. I pay for curbside pick up. I compost. The next vechile we buy I'd like it to be a hybrid.
10. I love to travel to new places. The next big new place I would like to travel to would be China. But I can't wait to take Lucas (and other children) to Europe.
11. I love to travel anywhere really. The next vacation for me will be Kelowna, then Florida, possibly with Ontario in between. All places I've been before.
12. If I had endless amounts of money and had to work any job it may just be as a flower delivery person. I did this one year with my Opa for mothers day and it was a blast.
13. My mom's side of the family is dutch. I eat stomput spinnazzi, mices and open faced sandwichs. My Oma is a great cook.
14. If I had to do another job that made money I would like to be a flight attendant for Westjet. Did I mention that I love to travel =)
15. Right now I am wearing a blue shirt. Blue has become my favorite color to wear, that may have something to do with having a boy.
16. My birthday is September the 15th. Please everyone wish me happy birthday on that day. I like to be the center of attention.
17. I like to wear patterned socks. Not plain white ones, but ones with color.
18. The best day of my life was my wedding day. It was so much fun.
19. The second best day of my life was hearing Lucas really laugh. The day Lucas was born is one of the worst days of my life. Not becuase he came into the world. That was great. But everything leading up to that was not good.
20. I am very ambitious. I don't know if that will change once I go back to work. I figure there may be a struggle for me between that part of me and the mom part. We'll have to wait and see who wins out.
Till Tommorrow