Plus they have raised this amazing daughter. I admit I was a little apprehensive about how Mackenzie would take to having young kids around. I remember being a teenager and so I was a little nervous that now she is becoming a teenager that she would be spending most of the time with her friends. But she was amazing. She was so good with Lucas. One day he was so exhausted he fell asleep on the couch after dinner. They were lumps, she would read him books, they would make things with lego and run outside in the sprinkler. He misses you already.
Thank you so much for putting us up and putting up with us.
Till Tomorrow
whaahaa that spraying with water at the end looks so cool!
The pleasure is ALL OURS!!! We count the sleeps until you come and once you go back home, we literally count the sleeps until you can come again! I don't know about you, but I thought it was even more fun this time than it was the first time last year...maybe because with Lucas being a year older he was more fun to play with, maybe because we were more relaxed hosts this time? Who knows...who was a blast!
You and my baby brother are not just family, you're best friends and we're all totally stoked to try to come to your neck of the woods next year. Oh...and have I mentioned how much WE TOTALLY ADORE OUR NEPHEWS (cousins in Mac's case)! Oh my goodness, they were so much fun to have around. Some kids can wear you right out when you're not used to having little ones around anymore, but not your little men. They are a total delight!
I'm writing to Alberta tourism as we speak to have them send me every map and brochure they have available so we can make the most of our stay next year. Oh, and I've already found a co-worker who offered to live at our house so we don't have to board the dogs. Woo hoo...we're off to a good start!
Love ya!
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