A couple of days ago you turn thirty months old, officially two and a half. It has been a really great month. You have been learning really well. Whether it's attitude wise or learning letters, you have really been a sponge this month. The other day at the grocery store you found a flyer for mortgages that had a little turtle on it and was pointing out all the little "m's". Of course there were lots of them. Today we were watching a show about the alphabet and words and you could point out a lot more letters then I expected. Although I do limit the amount of TV you watch we do tend to watch more in the winter when we can't go outside as much. The shows on TV these days are so educational. You do learn a lot from them.
One of your other new favorite things to do is to list everyone favorites. It started with colors, your favorite colors are blue and orange, Daddy's is green and Mommy's is purple. Whenever you see that color or have a choice you always pick out on of your favorites. If were playing a game you always want to be the blue piece. It has moved into other parts of your life, if you like something it's usually your favorite. Almost every type of animal is your favorite, just depends on the day. Zebras, alligators, rattle snakes, otters, ladybugs. One day you can be scared of an animal and the next day it's your favorite. Tonight when I was putting you down, we were talking about the pets. You said Tigger is my favorite, which one is your favorite, I said I liked them all equally, I didn't have a favorite. You said " I like Tigger mostly"
Even though we have spent more time inside because it is winter there is usually a day each week that is warm enough to go outside. In the past month we have done some fun winter activites. You and Daddy were tobogganing at the side of the house and you and I built some snow men. You have also really enjoyed having the window down while we are driving, you claim to like the cold.
As well as the TV being educational, you have been learning a lot from your daddy, he has many talents, your dad, and you are learning some of them this month. The first one being paper airplanes. He is pretty good at making them and you have enjoyed flying them all around the living room and upstairs. Long after your dad and I have had enough of flying the airplanes you are still wild about it. They do corkscrews, loop d loops and twirly whirlies. Here's a little video of you flying them around.
Another thing your daddy has taught you is to throw soft things in your mouth. You don't have very good aim, but love to pretend. Or at least you love to throw it and try to get it in Daddy's mouth. Marshmallows started the trend and now you do it with grapes and fruit snacks. Daddy is so good at it, he gets almost everyone in his mouth. You on the other hand are still learning the skill.
One other thing your daddy taught you is to lick spills off the table. If you don't have a cloth or it's something you like, as the picture below displays, chocolate syrup, you'll just lick it off. Now we are having to teach you the appropriate time an place to do it, as you licked butter off the table the other day at the Swiss Chalet. There is also a picture below of you laying outside on the ground eating snow off the ground. Good thing Emma doesn't pee in the backyard.
From Mommy you have learned how to grrrr when you are frustrated with somehting. It drives Dad crazy and is rude it's one of those habits I didn't know I had until you started emulating it. I feel bad teaching you bad habits, especially when Dad gets mad at you for it.
Today Auntie Lexie came and I have not seen you so excited to see another person. You were crazy the whole afternoon. Everything was "Auntie Lexie, look at this" or "Auntie Lexie watch me to this".
i love you Lucas
love mommy
what a clever two and a 1/2 year old you have
LOL what a rascal Daryl is licking the table clean indeed!!!!
keep up the good parenting you two
I hear "this is your favourite song Les" a lot from Lucas. And he's usually right - although I have quite a few faves.
What I find remarkable is that Lucas is the ONLY child that's ever shortened my name to Les. It is easier than Lesley and I must say I LOVE HEARING that to Yessy :o)
He's such a smarty pants!
We are so thrilled that you have "power" for your old camera again which provides us with my favourite part of the blog...VIDEOS!
We must have watched that airplane video a dozen times (or more) yesterday and we still can't get enough of it!
Keep 'em comin'!
Aunt Lori, Uncle Ian and Mackenzie
wow, he knows already letters from the alphabet?! Amazing :-)
He's so cute. I'd love to meet him one day :)
I'm with Auntie Lori, keep those videos coming, they are just adorable. You will have to get Darryl to do some of his origami folding for you too. It's amazing. That airplane kept landing in your hand like a boomarang. It was so funny to watch Lucas throwing and throwing the airplane. Cheap toys are great.
Thanks for the wonderful blog entry. Love Grammy and Grandad
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