Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Book Review

Just finished reading the book 19 Minutes by Jodi Piccolt. I highly recommend it. Here is my quick review. A book about a school shooting. As usual Jodi does an excellent job of showing both sides of the story. Not only the horrific side of the parents who had to deal with their children being shot, but also the reasoning that someone would resort to going into a school and shooting 10 people. Is there something bad enough or constant enough to make it possible to think it's okay to get revenge. She makes you think about the parents of the shooter and what they also may have done to lead him to this place. An excellent book, a thinker.

The question is what should I read next?? Any recommendations?

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

Uhhh...what about ELLE? I bought the magazine the other day and have read not one article but all the ads! :)

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

I like Jodi's books
thanks for telling me about this one
will have to look out for it

Goofball said...

thanks to you I got to know Jodi Picoult! But the books are still on my "to read" list....I haven't come around to actually reading them yet.

One time I brought one home from the library, but it was in a big pile and I couldn't finish them in time and had to bring it back....but next time I go to the library, I'll borrow it again.

Thanks for sharing book tips with us!