Thursday, July 05, 2007

Why We Live In The City

Earlier this week Darryl, Lucas and Darryl's family are driving out to the beach. We have to drive through lots of farms to get there. We are all putting in our two cents about what we would like about living on a farm.

Jenn: I would like to be self sustaining, a couple of chickens for eggs, cow for milk and a big vegatable garden.

Lori: would like a tractor that she could drive around and a pig and a cow for Ian.

Darryl: I don't think I could ever live on a farm. Crappy internet"

Gotta love a geek!

Till Tomorrow



Anonymous said...

Hi Aunt Jenn! It's 12:00 a.m.! I'm so excited to go to the beach tomorrow! I wonder what kind of funny things will come out of Chris's mouth! Watch your back because I might just be there with a bucket of water waiting to get someone wet! Anyway I'll let you get me wet but I'll probably go after Uncle D. I'm gonna go to bed now. Bye! =D <3

Mark said...

I think uncle D. can write programs for the cows and chicks in the farm to make their lives easier, hehe.

Goofball said...

hmm I understand Darryl's point of view!