The boys did a little canoeing, Tammy and I did a little socializing. I'm sure I've mentioned it before in the blog, but I feel so so lucky to have their family as our friends. Even our husbands get along so well. When Tammy and I took our kids to Kelowna for a week, our husbands went golfing together. Tammy and I have a ton in common. First off we work together, so have similar personalities in that we both want to take care of people. We love shopping, the same music, saving money and generally the same TV shows. Our love for Barenaked Ladies becomes ten fold when we are with each other. It so nice to have someone to talk to about anything. Someone who gets what it's like to be a mother and a wife. Someone who I can drink wine with and will always let me have the last piece of chocolate.
happy birthday Tammy, I can't wait to live the next 10 years with you as my best friend.
Till Tomorrow
Sounds like a great time! I haven't been brave enough to go camping with kids yet. I am convinced they will be eaten by a bear. I am weird like that.
I am hoping that it will be the next 50 or more years. I could not imagine my life without you being a part of it.... It's like you've always been there... Thanks for sharing my birthday with me. And I promise the last piece of chocolate will always be yours.
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