Happy monthly birthday baby! We spent this monthly birthday in Kelowna, which was expected because we have spent most of the time this last month galavanting around. We are trying to get in as many free flights for you before you turn two. =) You do love to fly, you love the airport and the takeoff. You love to look out the window for wind socks and press the buttons to turn the lights on and off. Most of the time you are a great traveller. There are always some hard parts (like tonight when you didn't want to go to sleep), but generally you are lots of fun to take around.
One of the cool parts for me when we go away is that you usually sleep in the same room as us. Most of the time you are still sleeping in a playpen, but it is so comforting as a mother to hear you breath while I am sailing off to sleep.
I can't think of any major milestones this month. It amazes me how much you know and how much you continue to learn. One example is barns. You have a play barn and we have probably read about barns in books, but no one had pointed out a real live barn until we were in Ontario driving to the beach and Aunt Lori pointed out a barn to you. Ever since then you have been quite good at pointing out barns. Even though it has been a couple of weeks since you've seen a barn, you knew exactly what a barn was today.
You have had so much family around lately. We've been to Ontario, Kelowna and Lexie has been down here. Its funny because sometimes you'll put them in a new situation where they don't really belong. For example when we were back to go to Kelowna I was telling you you'd see, Oma and Opa and you added in Auntie Lexie. Even though we had not mentioned that she was going. Also last weekend I said we were going to Grandma and Pop's for dinner and you said, with Grammie and Grandad. Who live in Ontario and cannot just pop over for dinner. I've always firmly believed that it takes lots of people to raise a child, not just the parents and this past month you have had a bit of everyone.
One of my favorite things you are doing lately is holding hands. You are quite obiedent to hold my hand and often come and grab it if you want to show me something or if we should walk a certain way. I totally treasure when it happens becuase I know that in not too long you will not be holding my hand. When we were in Ontario you did a sweet thing, by grabbing Grammie's hand and taking her to get some food. You are doing a good job at showing people you love them.
Another very cute thing you have been working on is making faces for certain emotions. The surprise face was the first one and the one you have perfected the most. You are also getting good at the happy face and the thinking face. And although you can make a mad face, you have not perfected how to do it on cue.
This week has definitly made me question my parenting skills. We went away with one of my best friends who has two kids that are a little bit older then you. She is a great parent and I often emulate her parenting skills, but sometimes I just felt inadequate. I do hope I am doing a good job of being your mommy. I hope I set fair boundaries and the right ones. I'm sure you'll let me know as we grow up.
I love you baby, looking forward to your second birthday!
love mommy
I love your monthly newsletters. I can just imagine all of them being put into a book and given to Lucas on his wedding day or on the day his first child is born. What an amazing gift you're creating for him each month.
Aww You are like me about getting free flights before they turn two LOL!! I love the crib sleeping one. Maybe my baby doesn't like to sleep in the crib because I don't put enough toys in there for him? He's a doll!!
what great pictures you have! I love the family picture at the stairs...and where Lucas fall asleep on Darryl and where they make funny faces. Hilarious!!
You have a very cute family!
wow 1 month till hes 2!!!
hard to believe but Daniel is only 3.5 months away too
awesome photos
they are intellect arent they :)
Daniel grabs my hand when he wants "to show me something or if we should walk a certain way." He does it with his daddy and nana too
Jenn YOU are a good mom!!!! :)
setting boundaries is good even if the children dont think so
Children whom get into trouble are often times those that arent given rules and boundaries
so setting them and consistency applying them is very important
keep up the good raising my friend :)
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