Thursday, July 12, 2007

Watch Out All Single People

This morning Lucas spent the morning with Grandma and Pop. All morning before Grandma got here Lucas was saying Love Grandma, love Pop. So when Grandma got here Lucas was ready to Rock and Roll. I went off to do some work and the three of them played for an hour in the hot tub, went to the park and watered plants. They were also having fun looking at pictures so Pop took out the pictures of their wedding and my wedding. When I got back Lucas was saying Mommy married. He has spent the rest of the day matching up people who are married. Torin married, Lucas says. Who is Torin married too, I ask. Tigger, Lucas responds. Grandma married to Pop. Lucas is matching everyone up.

On a side note, it is so hot here! I'm sure I'm being a baby about it. But it's hot, and only getting hotter.

Till Tomorrow



Lori Aitken said...

I hate to rub it in but we finally ended up with a cold front to take away our humidity and we're enjoying daytime highs of 22 and night time lows of 12 degrees.

Woo hoo!

Goofball said...

I am soooooo looking forward to the predicted 25C today and the predicted 30C this weekend.

After weeks of grey sky, loads of rain and 14C at daytime, I am so depressed and terribly jealous of the rest of the world who seems to have hot weather! I want hot weather too.... 24 more hours and I should be able to bake in the sun in our little garden...a couple more hours and hopefully the sun comes out this afternoon to heat up to the promised 25C.

I can't wait! I need some warmth and not from the fireplace that was on again this weekend in JULY. Grrr.

Jenna said...

That's so cute! You have to love how these words start coming out of them and the things they say. So cute! And, my goodness, he is growing up fast!