Thursday, April 05, 2007

Funny Story

This week I have been busy at work, I helped to plan this great experience for the students. At the college we have a simulation lab where the respiratory students practice intubating and care of a patient. They have the lab set up like a ER and the patient responds to everything that happens around them. If the students intubate the tube properly the patient's oxygen level goes up, in they do it incorrectly the patient gets more sick. The other great part of it is that there is a control room with one way glass so that you can watch the students without them knowing. There is also a great group of instructors who help to make the scenario real. Our students benefited immensely from the experience. It was also good for the respiratory students to work with other allied health care professionals.

At certain times the x-ray students weren't available so I filled in as the x-ray student. This afternoon was one of those times. Today I was working in the Sim Lab and was putting on some lead to prepare for the x-ray. I put it on both arms and as I brought my arms through I realized my bra had unhooked. I was stuck. I was in the middle of a scenario and couldn't really leave. Plus there are cameras and one way glass all in the room. I couldn't go hide behind a curtain because there is a camera there. So there I was stuck doing a fake chest x-ray with my bra undone. I'm sure I was acting weird, trying to get this done ASAP. Once it was done I was able to go to the washroom and do my bra back up.

I hope everyone has a great Easter.

Till Tomorrow



Goofball said...

oh geez poor you...and an unhooked bra is soooo uncomfortable!

Calgary Athlete said...

Another scenario I will never encounter. I am so glad to be a guy, so much

Hope all is well Jenn. M.