Friday, December 08, 2006

Santa Claus and Emma are the Same

Lucas, Darryl and I are walking through Walmart a couple of days ago and Lucas starts to "ha-ha-ha" which is him panting like a dog. We ask him where the dog is because we don't see any around......

Driving home last night Lucas does the same thing "ha-ha-ha" *panting like a dog noise* It is quite dark outside and we are surprised that he sees a dog and cannot find it ourselves

Well today I figured out that with Lucas's limited communication skills what he is actually referring to is Santa Claus. Which we have been calling Ho Ho Ho! As Lucas could not say Santa Claus, but may be able to say ho-ho. He is not differentiating between the ha of a dog and the ho of Santa. I figured this out because he blatantly pointed to the picture of him sitting on Santa's knee from last year that his on our fridge and "ha-ha-ha"*panted like a dog*

If it makes Santa feel any better everyone thinks very highly of Emma.

Till Monday


1 comment:

Allie said...

Sooooo very cute!

I tagged you by the way if you are up to playing. :)