Wednesday, December 13, 2006

6 Weird Things About Me

I was tagged by fellow blogger Allie, so I'm happy to play along. Here are 6 weird things about me. My BFF Tammy and I discussed them alot today:

1.I sing ALOT. When I worked as an x-ray technologist I would sing all day at work. Someone would say something I and I would sing a song with that line in it. I"m not quite a good as my sister who can listen to a song once and know all the words, but I'm pretty close.

2. I have never smoked, nor do I drink coffee. Which may not sound weird, but I have never even tried. Never had any sort of cigarette in my mouth. I am quite a prude that way. I did try coffee once a couple of years ago and it was better then I expected but very bitter.

3. Since living in this house I have lived with: Darryl's best friend, my parents, my best friend and her family (not all of them at the same time). When I was a kid things always had to be very quiet in my house becase my dad worked night shift. Becuase of that experience I've always wanted a loud house where everyone can hang out. Part of the reason we've had lots of people live with us.

4. My love for the Barenaked Ladies. I'm a like a teenager when it comes to BNL. Although I don't have posters of them on the walls, but I do listen to their CD once a day. And check their website once a day. Plus I feel excitment, almost everyday about going to the concert on in Febuary.

5. I am 27 and have had two "major" careers. One as an x-ray technologist and one as an instructor. The first year I was an instructor most of my students were older then I was.

6. I cannot sleep naked. No matter how hot it is in the summer, especially since there is no air conditioning in this house, I still have to have a tank top and underwear on.

7. Here is one extra:My ba-hum-bugness about Christmas. I am a generally happy, optimistic person, but I don't really like Christmas. There are certain things I like about Christmas, but I don't like the pressure of gift giving. Not that I don't like getting great gifts for people, but I wish it could happen randomly through the year when you find a great gift for someone. It just seems so fake and pressured. Bahumbug

Now I am tagging:


Till Tommorrow


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