Thursday, December 07, 2006


Lucas seems to be going through some seperation anxiety again. It seems to have escaleted because I worked at 2 jobs yesterday which meant I left Lucas before he woke up in the morning and didn't get home till he was in bed yesterday. Today everytime I left the room Lucas would cry and scream. I was even peeing with him on my lap today. Of course he was fine moments after I left him at the day home, but it's so hard to hear your kid call for you and have to turn around and walk away. Tonight I couldn't walk away I rocked him to sleep. I peed with him on my lap, I did what ever he wanted. Rather then pull a hard line I'm going to cherish this, becuase in a day that is not far enough way, Lucas will want his mom to drop him off at the corner before the store, or not want me to give him a hug in public.

I think we'll really enjoy all the time we will be able to spend together over Christmas.

Till Tommorrow



Allie said...

I completely understand where you are coming from Jenn! I am slowly coming to believe that you can't spoil your children with love - and by holding them is loving them isn't it?

Give him the loving that he wants because you are so right - one day in the future, getting hugs from mommy won't be the cool thing to get. Although, I have naively convinced myself that my son will NEVER be like that and that he will always want to get affection from me. :)

Anonymous said...

must have been hard for you too working that many hours away from your boy
enjoy the time you can get together