Sunday, July 02, 2006


There are certain things that I find myself naturally drawn too. From my life experiences I have met lots of amazing people and had the opportunity to do lots of amazing things. My Canada yesterday I was privileged to enjoy some of those things.

The first thing is things French. I'm sure it has something to do with going to a French school. But also when I moved to Calgary there were a few wonderful French women I met, whom I love. Also I've had the privilege of going to France twice, and would like to go back again. With all that being said, I like to try different kinds of cheese. They have so so many different types of cheese in France. So on Friday night with our favorite dinner I had some Edam cheese (very good, very mild, anyone would like it). Then on Saturday we went to the Olive Garden and Darryl had a dish with gorgonzola cheese (which I think is Italian) but also very good. Darryl described it as a mix between cream and cottage cheese. Again very good. We also had wine with our cheese, another wonderful french thing.

One of the other things I have an affinity towards is people who have come to Canada from other countries. Particularly Africa. Again not sure if that stem from my Oma and Opa moving here from France or Paul. Paul was someone I went to college with. He was an amazing person. Many people in Africa have gone through atrocities I can not even imagine. Paul was lucky enough to have escaped the genocide in Africa. Most of his family had died from it so along with his own children he also took care of his brothers children. Paul came to Canada not speaking any english. He had to work harder then anyone in my whole class and he did and never complained. When all the 20 something girls were complaining about technologists he never said a word. And most people treated him worse, because he had trouble speaking english. I've also met other people from Africa and are amazed at how life is there, and respect how far they have come, both physically and emotionally. Last night at the Olive Garden we had what I assumed to be an African as our server. He did a great job and although the english was some times a struggle, we got exactly what we ordered and he was attentive and did an all around great job. This makes me like the Olive Garden even more. I appreciate it when people give others a chance. And like I said he did great.

I hope everyone had a great Canada Day. I did it's great to live in a country where you get to enjoy other cultures.

Till Tommorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said, I couldn't agree more.

I was listening to my favourite morning talk radio show on Friday and callers were trying to explain what makes Canadians unique (aside from Ketchup chips and Tim Hortons). Almost everyone had difficulty trying to describe Canadian culture or even explain the difference between Canadians and Americans.
Nothing specific was every really decided upon however, there seemed to be a common theme. Everyone agreed that to be Canadian is simply to be "a bit of everything". Virtually every Canadian is a mix of other ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Many are born and raised here but their ancestors have come from elsewhere while many "new" Canadians bring rich culture from their home countries but the mix of Canadian life soon becomes a part of them once they're here. Everyone also seemed to agree that Canadians as a whole are a kinder, gentler society as compared to the Americans. While we have our share of fast paced cities and society life, on the whole life in Canada is less agressive than in the US.
I can hardly wait to explore the world someday when I have the time and money but in the meantime, I couldn't be happier to say that I live in Canada.

Have a good Canada Day weekend everyone.
