But my boys do love me. I am not good at playing spiderman or cars or shoot-em up games. What I am good at is crafts. We have a a whole craft cupboard. If Lucas wants me to play with him he entices me with coloring or painting, instead of Spiderman or tricks. I do love my boys and play with them all the time. But my favorite things to do with them are not the typical boy things, but things that we enjoy doing together. Cooking and coloring and playing games. Lucas is great at making muffins or cookies. I think it's good balance for him. He can play with his friends and pretend to shoot em up. But he can also play with his mommy and do crafts. Hopefully he'll be well rounded.
Till Tomorrow
You bet they'll be well rounded! You and Darryl have such a broad range of interests and abilities and you're forever trying something new. I think they'll learn that it's fun to try anything (at least once).
That's quite an intense concentration face Lucas has going on there...he doesn't stick his tongue out like Nannie used to though...whew!
is he insisting on having his hair spiked everyday?
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