Monday, January 12, 2009

Lovely Lucas

After Lucas drove me crazy last night, he redeemed himself with lots of love and laughs today.

He is loving the movie Mamma Mia. The other night he fell asleep late in the day and then couldn't sleep at night. So I let him come downstairs and watch the end of the movie with me. Ever since then we have been watching the movie daily. He asks for it every day, atleast once a day. I don't mind, I love ABBA music. We've even bought the soundtrack.

Then later this afternoon we have a cup of tea. He picked Orange Pekoe decaffinated. Then we he tasted it he didn't really like it. So he went over to the pantry and picked Earl Grey Vanilla. He said he wanted that. I said sure, but was distracted by my computer and didn't see he opened the lid and put a tea bag into the same mug he had. He tasted it and still didn't like it. So he also added a Green Jasmine one to it. By that time, I saw what he was doing and made it stop. Ahh tea punch...

Then tonight as we were discussing what his favorite part of the day was (Mamma Mia) and he least favorite part of the day and he put his hand on my cheek and says I love you mommy.

i love him too.



Goofball said...

wow does he already drink tea? I've never seen kids drinking tea in Belgium, I only acquired my taste for tea as an adult. Well good start for him, I suppose :)

Lesley said...

Alex likes to drink tea with me sometimes, he's not really into hot chocolate. Marshmallows - yes but the actual hot chocolate - no.

Earl Grey Vanilla is my favourite and Alex likes the decaf Earl Grey.

Aislynn is also a HUGE ABBA fan! We have an ABBA DVD that we watch sometimes.

How's the weaning going ?

Anonymous said...

that movie R O C K S !!!!
in more ways than one :)

Jenn do you know that tea is a grownups drink it depletes the iron little ones need

aww bless him he is lovely :)
