Things with Nathan continue to go really well. I amazed at how much easier things are with the second. Its like once you've been through it once have a good idea of how long things last for and you've seen the light at the end of the tunnel. Even with the troubles I'm having with Lucas, I think things would be easier if I knew when our relationship would get better again. Nathan continues to smile lots. He is also starting to grab onto things, like Lucas's fingers or my hair, or Darryl's chest hair. My Oma and Opa were here on the weekend to meet their second great grandson and they were impressed with his head control.
Although I would like to spend this weekend working on getting our yard turned from a mud pit into a play area, our neighboors are not ready yet, so instead we are having to rebuild the deck at our old house. We got a call from our lawyer that the City has a problem with it, and as part of the sale of the house, the city has to give compliance to the real property report...... so to get that compliance we need to move the deck. Crazy! Oh well at least we'll be outside in someones backyard this weekend.
Till Tomorrow
Sorry to hear about the deck. That stinks.
Good to hear that Darryl will be home...nice perk!
wow how nice to have Darryl home all the time
Ugh about the deck but hurray for your hubby working from home! Mine worked as a consultant for a few months and I LOVED having him around (though he claimed he didn't get any work done with me bugging him. :-)
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