Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Youngest Barenaked Ladies Fan

Lucas and I listen to the Barenaked Ladies all the time in the car and on You Tube. I love listening to them, as does Lucas. Lucas is use to listening to the Ladies and has favorite dance moves to their songs.

Today we were driving home from dinner and I asked Lucas who was singing the song (it was Wrap Your Arms around my neck) he knew it was Ed. Bank Job, again he knew it was Ed. Next came Tonight is the night I fell Asleep at the Wheel, he knew it was Steve.

Lucas and I should definitly win some kind of award. Like our own personal concert.....

Till Tomorrow


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had an boyfriend when I was 24 who was into Bare Naked. He turned out to be gay! Bare Naked and gay is not related, it was just a memory thing:)