The first games we played was a treasure hunt. It went really well. It always takes a while to organzie it, but the kids love running around and trying to solve the clues.
Next was the Fill the Milk Jug game, I really thought this one was fun. At one side of the yard we had a bucket of water and then using sponges we would fill up the sponge with water and then run to the other side of the yard and fill up a milk jug. It was fun running back and forth and the water element always makes things fun.
Then we had a little free time, while I brought down cake and treats and drinks, then the cake and the snacks were eaten.
After that we played a Marble Toes game, where you put a bunch of marbles in a pool and the kids have to grab the marbles with their toes and throw them out of the pool. The bigger kids certainly have the advantage here. =)
Then we did a water ballon toss and a obstacle course. Lastly was opening presents, and more free time until the parents came.
All in all I think it was a good party. The games were good for all ages and most of it was stuff I had around the house.
Till Tomorrow
sounds like great fun!
Looks like everyone had a good time! You've definitely got some great game ideas! I can't believe he's 5...time sure does fly!
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